
thx for all inspirational text you send me in e-form!

In this issue of Roeien the Dutch rowing magazine (March 2011) the review of Jimmy Joy’s book, The Mind’s Eye is published.

It’s of course in Dutch but the author has kindly written a summary for you in English:
The writer starts with mental training as hot topic and lots of people writing about it.

But which makes you and the book special is that no one is a rowing coach, except you. And your specific goal of integrating mental training in the overall training program.

Then he introduces you with reference to a chapter in ‘Rowing Faster’ and as coach of several universities and Rowing Canada. In the eye-opener part he writes about the practice in the Netherlands and on starting mental training when issues appear or just ‘moments’ before the regattas.

Why, he askes, do we train technique and physiology the whole year and not the mental part? He describes Joy’s approach as very ambitious and demanding for coach and rower. But challenges every coach who wants to reflect on his actions to read your book; as it is a refrenshingly different approach to the metier of coaching, year planning and integration of all training types.

[Jimmy Joy’s book is for sale £18 in the Rowperfect shop – the edition is updated from the original including 50 extra pages and significant revisions from the 2009 edition].


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