
Ruth Marr is a rowing travel tour operator running two companies: Rowing The World and The Rowing Concierge. She’s offering delightful rowing travel experiences. The core idea of her two companies is creating a network which connects rowers who love to travel. Rowing is about location, i.e. where you row, and the experience of rowing matters.

On January 29th, Ruth Marr was at the Rowing Canada Aviron Conference 2016. Together with Richard Vincent, Lubo Kisiov and Karen Paul, Ruth was on a panel discussing Rowing For All. Richard was talking about the conditions which led to him being active touring and his coastal rowing in Ontario. He’s also presenting rowing as an opportunity to have fun and stay fit. Ruth’s presentation brings the perspective of how clubs can work with business owners to create and offer rowing experiences that benefit the club. She’s using her rowing travel tour to the Maldives as a model to explain how she is working with clubs. Finally, Lubo was presenting his opinion on why Coastal Rowing is the way to go if we want rowing to grow.

How Rowing The World works with clubs

Ruth’s presentation explains how Rowing The World is working to partner with local clubs to create and offer a rowing experience that benefits the club. Her rowing travel tour to the Maldives in 2015 was a partnership between Rowing The World, World Rowing and Rowing Association of the Maldives. By doing this, the money the local clubs earned was from the services and equipment Ruth needed for the tour such as rowing shell rentals, safety boats, trailering and transport, overnight boat storage and guides possibly including food and lodging.

In order to set up the whole rowing travel tour of 2015, Rowing The World partnered with 25 different clubs in 7 countries. Partnerships like that are a good way to support club development. Ruth says “It’s about partnering with clubs, but also about connecting international rowers with local rowers.” Check out Ruth’s presentation!

Ruth’s Rowing Travel Tour

What’s great about rowing is that it’s a good sport for everyone. It doesn’t matter how old you are, where you come from or what physical level you’re at. You may have a disability, like a bad knee or a hurt foot, that limits you from doing sports that include running. Rowing is a fun option and it helps you stay healthy. Rowing is for all, whether you’re a recreational or a competitive rower.

It doesn’t always have to be about racing. Ruth makes rowing an experience during which you get to go on an adventure and get new memories. It’s an excellent way to combine workout with vacation and everyone is welcome. You can bring your family (even if they might not like to row as much as you do!), On these rowing travel tours, Ruth has other activities planned for those who don’t feel like rowing. It’s a great fun and everyone can tag along. I mean, who wouldn’t want to go and explore countries like Italy,Ireland,South Africa or the Maldives? Just to mention a few!

Rowing Travel as Club DevelopmentRowing Travel as Club Development

Rowing Travel as Club Development


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