Look at this picture. Who says, she has a problem at sculling with long finger nails?
Sculling with long finger nails
What’s your experience? Do you scratch the back of your hands or knuckles on your right hand? We have a lot of international athletes rowing with long finger nails. Have a look at Maria from Argentina.
We at Rowperfect met some “inside” person how helped the ladies to get the right finger nail design during one of the last Olympics.
Sculling with long finger nails:
They all did it. Swimmers, track and field athletes and rowers. En Vogue were fingernails with their national flags on it.”We designed fingers of about 500 Athletes with a real patriotic look” she said. And she should know. She was the team leader of the Nail Studio at the Olympic Village (Did you know, that the Olympic village has a nails studio’)
How about for us normal rowers?. My coach never told me to cut my nails (he did say spit out chewing gum tho!) says Rebecca. And Vreni, from a rowing club in Germany tells us. “You have to be careful after the drive when entering into the finish. Once in a while I scratch the back of my hand. If so, I put your (Rowperfect-) Watersports gloves on”.
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Cutting your nails is probably the easiest thing to do, or taking up sweep oar….. but for a helpful idea, you can always remember that you do not “have to” have you hands locked together as they overlap each other on the drive and recovery. It does however provide a very useful reference point to ensure that your blades are at the same height and thus you have drawn up/tapped down equally.
But what if you took a washer out from under your stroke side rigger (that’s the one the goes in your right hand and is coloured green (red/green there’s a helpful colour differentiation if you are colour blind) if like me you get confused) and raise your bow rigger by the same amount. This means you will be aiming for a useful knuckle scrape saving inch or so between your hands at overlap, AND….. if you are down on stroke side (right hand people, stay with me here because I am having to mimic the rowing stroke as I write) you will be able to raise that hand slightly in order to correct that without clashing.
isnt the right hand scull red??