Thanks for coming here and reading the Rowperfect newsletter and blog. We are now established as the premier rowing education website. Yet we need to respond to the needs of clubs, coaches and athletes.
Please can you help us with answers? Send them to us
About your rowing club’s education needs
- Do clubs take responsibility for getting training and development for their coaches? [or is it an individual responsibility?]
- Where do you go to get coach education for rowing?
- What’s the number one thing you’d like to change for the club but can’t or haven’t for a specific reason?
Feedback about Rowperfect
- What’s the main reason you come to our website?
- How could we get better known in the UK club rowing / university rowing circles?
- Would you (personally or the Club) consider making a regular monthly donation to support our free podcasts and website posts?
- What would you want in return for that donation?
- What could we do but don’t yet do?
Send them to us here.